Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Story time Warm Ups and Closings

Repetition is very important when children are first learning. Hearing the same sounds repeatedly helps them commit them to memory. It also adds enjoyment because, eventually, the child will be able to anticipate endings or use their imagination to change the story. All of this adds to the level of participation in story time and with at home reading.

For our story times, I like to open and close with the same songs. This allows the experienced children and families sing with me and lets newcomers know what to expect upon their return! Creating this sense of community is largely important when trying to make children feel welcome and encouraging participation.

The opening activity is just a way for us to get the wiggles out. I altered a game that I knew previously and created Bunnies which allows the kids to exert some energy before sitting down for active listening and finger plays. It goes like this:

You place your hands on either side of your head. I say "Bunnies up high!" And the kids raise their arms. Followed by "Bunnies down low!" and "Bunnies to the side!" which are self explanatory. The final instruction is "Bunnies are go!" which is the signal to sit down quietly so that we may begin.

Our opening song is "Clap and Sing Hello!" sung to the tune of Farmer in the Dell which is the same tune that our closing song, "We Wave Goodbye Like This" is sung to.

What songs do you like to use? Do you use repetition or change it up frequently?

1 comment:

  1. I start with "The Good Morning Song" off Wiggle and Whirl in the Toddler programs. I've been thinking of switching it up and even posted looking for suggestions on PubYac, but mine still works the best for our crowd. I've done it 3 days a week (toddlers on M and Tu and Pre-K on Thurs) for three years now so I kind of do it on auto-pilot which is why I was thinking of switching it up, but the kids still love it. And as a Librarian friend of mine asked, "Did Mr. Rodgers switch up his good morning song?" I always end toddlers with "I'm Driving in My Car"

    I start babies with Mr. Bear greeting the babies and then "Roly Poly".


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